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Journalistes, correspondant de presse, animateurs et blogueurs nous aident à maintenir notre message à jour, sur la bonne voie et sur le radar de ceux qui pourraient être intéressés.

Radical Resthomes in the Senior Times

Radical Resthomes was profiled by this month’s Senior Times!
You can read the whole issue here.

No Need to be Poor and Loney as We Age

No Need to be Poor and Loney as We Age

Old people should live everywhere

Old People Should Live Everywhere

Radical Rest Homes: better ideas for an aging generation

During a lecture at the Atwater Library, dozens of senior citizens listened carefully as Montreal writer Janet Torge began to cite the statistics that could soon define the looming housing crisis that could threaten what used to be called ‘the golden years’ of an entire generation.

“Chronology is not biology,” she said. “At this point, and just as they should be getting ready to retire, a lot of people are working harder than they ever did before just to pay their bills.”

Read the full article here.

Quebec’s eldercare challenge: A new vision for ‘how we do old age’

Canada’s New Movement for Radical Rest Homes

With the latest report from Statistics Canada indicating that one in four citizens will be 65 or older by the year 2030, the subject of senior housing will become increasingly relevant for most families. A lot of those seniors are the same baby boomers that tackled societal issues and broke taboos in the “swingin‘ Sixties,” and this active, vital generation certainly does not intend to age conventionally, either. People are living longer than ever, and they want to continue to maintain a positive quality of life and a high degree of independence for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the traditional senior rest home model is one size that doesn’t necessarily fit all.

Click here to read the full article.